Uploading Large WAV Sound Files into Github: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Susie - hkhazo.biz.id

Uploading Large WAV Sound Files into Github: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to upload large WAV sound files into Github? Do you find yourself wondering why Github has a file size limit of 100MB and how you can bypass it? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to upload large WAV sound files into Github without any hassle.

Why Upload WAV Sound Files to Github?

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s quickly discuss why you might want to upload WAV sound files to Github in the first place. Here are a few reasons:

  • Version Control**: Github provides an excellent version control system that allows you to track changes to your files over time. This is especially useful for audio files, which can be prone to changes during the editing process.
  • Collaboration**: Github makes it easy to collaborate with others on projects. By uploading your WAV sound files to Github, you can share them with team members and work together on projects more efficiently.
  • Backup**: Github provides a secure and reliable backup of your files. This means that even if your local files get corrupted or lost, you can always retrieve them from Github.

Challenges of Uploading Large WAV Sound Files to Github

Now that we’ve established why uploading WAV sound files to Github is a good idea, let’s talk about the challenges you might face when doing so. The main obstacle is Github’s file size limit of 100MB. This can be a problem if you’re working with large audio files, which can easily exceed this limit.

But don’t worry, we’ve got some workarounds for you! In the next section, we’ll explore some methods for uploading large WAV sound files to Github.

Method 1: Compressing WAV Sound Files

One way to upload large WAV sound files to Github is to compress them using audio compression tools. There are many tools available that can help you compress your audio files, including:

  • FLAC**: A popular audio compression tool that can reduce the size of your WAV files by up to 50%.
  • Lossless Audio Compression**: A tool that uses psychoacoustic models to reduce the size of your audio files.
  • Audacity**: A free, open-source audio editing software that includes a compression feature.

Here’s an example of how to compress a WAV file using FLAC:

flac -8 -V input.wav -o output.flac

This command will compress the input.wav file using the highest compression level (-8) and output it as output.flac.

Method 2: Uploading to a Third-Party Service

If compressing your WAV sound files isn’t an option, you can try uploading them to a third-party service that specializes in storing and serving large files. Some popular options include:

  • Google Drive**: A cloud storage service that allows you to upload and share large files.
  • Dropbox**: A file sharing service that provides a generous amount of storage space.
  • pCloud**: A cloud storage service that offers unlimited storage space for large files.

Once you’ve uploaded your WAV sound files to one of these services, you can share the link with others and collaborate on projects more easily.

Method 3: Using Git LFS (Large File Storage)

Git LFS is a tool that allows you to store large files in your Github repository without exceeding the 100MB file size limit. Here’s how it works:

  1. Install Git LFS**: You’ll need to install Git LFS on your local machine using the following command:
    git lfs install
  2. Configure Git LFS**: You’ll need to configure Git LFS to track your large files using the following command:
    git lfs track "*.wav"

    This command tells Git LFS to track all WAV files in your repository.

  3. Upload your files**: Once you’ve configured Git LFS, you can upload your large WAV sound files to your Github repository using the following command:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Added large WAV files"
    git push

Github will then store your large files in a separate storage area, allowing you to access them from your repository.

Method 4: Using a Github App

If you’re not comfortable using the command line or third-party services, you can try using a Github app to upload your large WAV sound files. Some popular options include:

  • Github Desktop**: A desktop application that allows you to upload files to Github using a graphical interface.
  • Git Kraken**: A Git client that provides a user-friendly interface for uploading files to Github.

These apps often provide a more intuitive way of uploading files to Github, making it easier to bypass the 100MB file size limit.


Uploading large WAV sound files to Github can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. By using one of the methods outlined in this article, you can bypass the 100MB file size limit and store your audio files in your Github repository. Whether you choose to compress your files, upload them to a third-party service, use Git LFS, or employ a Github app, the key is to find a solution that works for you and your team.

Method Description Pros Cons
Compressing WAV sound files Reduce the size of your WAV files using audio compression tools File size reduction, easy to implement May affect audio quality
Uploading to a third-party service Upload your WAV sound files to a cloud storage service Unlimited storage space, easy to share files May require additional subscription fees
Using Git LFS Store large files in your Github repository using Git LFS Easy to implement, integrates with Github May require additional configuration
Using a Github app Upload files to Github using a desktop application Easy to use, intuitive interface May require additional software installation

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to upload large WAV sound files to Github. Remember to choose the method that best fits your needs and workflow, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

Here are 5 Q&As about uploading large WAV sound files into GitHub:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble uploading your large WAV sound files into GitHub? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate the process.

Why can’t I upload large WAV files to GitHub?

GitHub has a file size limit of 100MB for free accounts and 1GB for paid accounts. If your WAV file exceeds this limit, you won’t be able to upload it directly to GitHub. But don’t worry, there are workarounds!

How can I compress my WAV file to upload it to GitHub?

You can use audio compression tools like FFmpeg, Audacity, or Adobe Audition to reduce the file size of your WAV file. You can also convert your WAV file to a more compressed format like MP3 or OGG. Just be aware that compressing your file may affect its quality.

Can I use GitHub LFS (Large File Storage) to upload my WAV file?

Yes! GitHub LFS is a great option for storing large files like WAV files. You’ll need to install the GitHub LFS client and follow the setup instructions. Then, you can upload your large WAV file to GitHub without worrying about the file size limit.

What are some alternative platforms for hosting large WAV files?

If GitHub isn’t working out for you, consider using alternative platforms like SoundCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, or even a dedicated audio hosting platform like AudioJungle or Freesound. These platforms often have larger file size limits or are optimized for hosting audio files.

How can I link to my large WAV file in a GitHub repository?

If you’re using GitHub LFS or an alternative platform to host your large WAV file, you can link to it in your GitHub repository using a URL or a markdown link. This way, you can still reference your WAV file in your repository without having to upload it directly to GitHub.

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