Unable to Create File Using Spark on Client Mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Susie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to Create File Using Spark on Client Mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of hitting a roadblock when trying to create files using Spark on client mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker? You’re not alone! Many Airflow users have struggled with this issue, but fear not, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into the root cause of the problem and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving it.

What’s the Issue?

When running Spark jobs in client mode on Airflow-Spark-Docker, you might encounter an error message indicating that the file cannot be created. This is because Spark, by default, tries to write files to the local file system of the Spark driver, which is not accessible in a Docker environment.

Why Does This Happen?

The issue arises due to the way Airflow-Spark-Docker is configured. By default, the Spark driver runs in a separate container, which doesn’t have access to the Docker host’s file system. When Spark tries to write files, it attempts to write to the local file system of the Spark driver, resulting in a permissions error.

Solution: Configure Spark to Use a Shared Volume

The solution lies in configuring Spark to use a shared volume between the Spark driver container and the Docker host. This allows Spark to write files to a location that’s accessible by both the container and the host.

Step 1: Create a Shared Volume

In your Docker Compose file, add a volume mapping between the Spark driver container and the Docker host. This will create a shared directory that both can access.

version: '3'
      - ./shared-volume:/shared-volume

Step 2: Configure Spark to Use the Shared Volume

In your Spark configuration, set the `spark.driver.extraClassPath` property to point to the shared volume. This tells Spark to use the shared volume as the root directory for writing files.

spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .master("spark://spark-master:7077") \
    .appName("My Spark App") \
    .config("spark.driver.extraClassPath", "/shared-volume") \

Step 3: Update Your Spark Code

In your Spark code, update the file paths to use the shared volume as the root directory.


Additional Considerations

While configuring Spark to use a shared volume resolves the file creation issue, there are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

  • File Permissions**: Make sure the Spark driver container has the necessary permissions to write to the shared volume.
  • Volume Size**: Ensure the shared volume has sufficient space to store the files written by Spark.
  • Data Persistence**: If you’re using a ephemeral Docker container, make sure to persist the data in the shared volume to avoid data loss when the container is restarted.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you identify the problem:

  1. Check the Spark driver logs for any error messages related to file creation.
  2. Verify that the shared volume is accessible by both the Spark driver container and the Docker host.
  3. Ensure that the Spark configuration is pointing to the correct location on the shared volume.
  4. Test writing a file to the shared volume using a simple Spark program to isolate the issue.


In conclusion, resolving the issue of unable to create files using Spark on client mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker requires configuring Spark to use a shared volume between the Spark driver container and the Docker host. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to create files successfully and get your Spark jobs running smoothly.

Keyword Frequency
Unable to create file using Spark on Client Mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker 5
Spark 10
Airflow-Spark-Docker 5
Client Mode 3
Shared Volume 4

By following the instructions in this article and using the provided code snippets, you should be able to overcome the file creation issue and get your Spark jobs running successfully in Airflow-Spark-Docker.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with Spark in client mode on Airflow and Docker? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why am I unable to create a file using Spark on client mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker?

This is because when you run Spark in client mode, the Spark driver runs on the same machine as the Airflow worker, which is usually a Docker container. By default, Docker containers don’t have access to the host machine’s file system, so you can’t create files on the host machine. To fix this, you can use `spark.driver_BIND_ADDRESS` to specify the IP address of the Docker container or use `spark.hadoop.fs.defaultFS` to specify a HDFS file system.

How do I configure Spark to write to a file on the host machine?

You can configure Spark to write to a file on the host machine by using the `volume` option in your Docker container. For example, you can mount a host directory as a volume inside the container using the `-v` flag: `docker run -v /host/directory:/container/directory …`. This will allow Spark to write to the host directory.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when running Spark in client mode on Airflow-Spark-Docker?

Some common pitfalls to avoid include: not specifying the correct `spark.driver_BIND_ADDRESS`, not configuring the Docker container to access the host file system, and not using the correct file system scheme in your Spark code (e.g. using `file:///` instead of `hdfs:///`). Additionally, make sure you have the necessary permissions to read and write to the host file system.

How do I troubleshoot issues with Spark on client mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker?

To troubleshoot issues with Spark on client mode in Airflow-Spark-Docker, check the Spark UI, Spark logs, and Airflow logs for errors. You can also use tools like `docker exec` to inspect the container and check the file system permissions. Additionally, try running Spark in local mode instead of client mode to see if the issue persists.

Can I use cluster mode instead of client mode to avoid file creation issues?

Yes, you can use cluster mode instead of client mode to avoid file creation issues. In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs on a separate machine, and the Spark executors run on a cluster of machines. This allows you to write files to a distributed file system like HDFS or S3. However, keep in mind that cluster mode requires a Spark cluster to be set up and configured, which can add complexity to your setup.

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